IS 4777 : 1968 Performance tests for protection schemes used in protection of light gauge steel against corrosion

UDC 669.14 : 620.197/.198 MTD 24
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes two methods of testing theperformance of a protective scheme under corrosive conditions todetermine whether a desired standard is reached. These tests are:

a) the salt droplet test, and

b) the IP test.

1.1.1 These tests shall be made on one or more of the following:

a) Standard test specimens, as defined in Section I, coated bythe protective scheme concerned under actual production conditions;

b) Specimens of the steel, whether metal-coated or not, used forthe actual articles, to which the protective scheme has beenapplied under actual production conditions. These specimens shallbe prepared and tested in the same way as the test specimens (seeSection I); and

c) Actual articles. This applies to the salt droplet test only.

1.2 An indication of the types of protective schemes to whichthe tests are most applicable is given in the foreword but norestriction is placed on their use on other types. The use of thetests for any particular purpose and the standard of performancerequired for such purpose are left to the discretion of thosewishing to apply the specification.

1.3 For certain uses, the ability of a protective scheme toprevent corrosion when in the damaged condition is important.Provision is made, therefore, for the test specimens to besubjected, if desired, to a standard form of damage before theyundergo test.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values

IS 513 : 1963Specification for cold rolled carbon steel sheets

IS 537 : 1967Specification for toluene, pure, nitration grade

IS 715 : 1966 Specification for coatedabrasives, glue bond

IS 1745 : 1966Specification for petroleum hydrocarbon solvents

IS 4825 : 1968 Specification for laboratory andreference thermometers