IS 4779 : 1985 Specification for Leather Sole and Edge Wax Polishers
UDC 665.92 : 685.312.121 | CHD 23 |
Reaffirmed 2018 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods ofsampling and test for the wax-solvent polish, natural or tinted,suitable for general application to soles and edges of leatherfootwear as finishes.
2 References
IS 2 :1960 Rules for roundingoff numerical values
IS 82 :1973 Methods of test forsolvents and thinners for paints
IS 1070 : 1977Specification for water for general laboratory use
IS 5741 : 1970Methods for determination of pH
IS 8171 : 1984Glossary of terms relating to polishes and otherrelatedmaterials
IS 10640 : 1983Specification for Soxhlet retractors