IS 4930 : 1985 Specification for Axle Assembly for Pneumatic-wheeled Animal-drawn Vehicles
UDC 629.112.012.1 | FAD 11 |
Reaffirmed 2014 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard specifies material, dimensions and otherrequirements for axle assembly for animal-drawn vehicles fittedwith pneumatic wheels.
2 References
IS 2 :1960 Rules for roundingoff numerical values
IS 210 :1978 Specification for grey ironcastings
IS 226 :1975 Specification for structuralsteel (standard quality)
IS 549 :1974 Specification for split pins
IS 1875 : 1978Specification for carbon steel billets, blooms, slabsand bars for forgings
IS 2016 : 1967Specification for plain washers
IS 2232 : 1967Specification for slotted and castle nuts
IS 7461 : 1980 General plan of boundrydimensions for tapered rollerbearings
IS 11269 : 1985Specification for axle assembly for conventionalanimal-drawn vehicles