IS 5510 : 1969 Guide for soil surveys for river valley projects
UDC 627.8 : 624.131.3 | WRD 6 |
Reaffirmed 2021 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard lays down the guidelines for carrying out soilsurveys for river valley projects.
2 References
IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values
IS 265 :1962Specification for hydrochloric acid
IS 2132 :1963Code of Practice for thin-walled tube samplingof soils
IS 2720 : Part XXVI :1967 Methods of test for soils:Part XXVI Determination of pH value
IS 2720 : Part XXIII :1966 Methods of test for soils:Part XXIII Determination of calcium carbonate
IS 2720 : Part IV :1965 Methods of test forsoils:Part IV Grain size analysis
IS 2809 :1964Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soilmechanics