IS 582 : Part 11 : Sec 1 : 2022/ISO 17075-1 : 2017 Methods of Chemical Testing of Leather Part 11 Determination of Chromium ( VI ) Content in Leather Section 1 Colorimetric method

ICS 59.140

CHD 17

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Part 11/Sec 1) which is identical with with ISO 17075-1 : 2017 ‘Leather - Chemical determination of chromium (VI) content in leather - Part 1: Colorimetric method’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Leather, Tanning Materials and Allied Products Sectional Committee and approval of the Chemical Division Council.

The Indian Standard IS 582 : 1970 Methods of Chemical testing of leather (first revision) prescribes the methods of chemical testing for all types of leathers. The Committee responsible for formulating this standard has decided to harmonize the methods of test prescribed in IS 582 with those prescribed in ISO/IULTCS standards. Accordingly, the committee decided to retain IS 582 and publish the harmonized/adopted test methods published by ISO/IULTCS in various parts of IS 582 as this standard is widely recognized by the Indian Leather Industry.