IS 6134 : Part 2 : 1973 Methods of measurement of electrical characteristics of microwave tubes: Part 2 Oscillator tubes

UDC 621.373.4 : 621.317.3.08 LTD 4
Reaffirmed 2016

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part II) deals with methods of measurementsof characteristics of microwave oscillator tubes which are commonto the family of oscillator tubes.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 1885 : Part IV : Sec 3 :1971 Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part IV Electron tubes,Section 3 Microwave tubes

IS 6134 : Part I : Sec 1 :1971 Methods of measurement of microwave tubes:Part I General measurements,Section 1 General conditions andprecautions for measurements