IS 613 : 2000 Copper Rods and Bars for Electrical Purposes - Specification

ICS 77.150.30 MTD 8
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements for copper rods and barsfor electrical purposes.

2 References

IS 191 : 1980 Copper:

Part 5 : 1980 Electrolytic tough pitch copper(ETP)

Part 6 : 1980 Fire refined high conductivitycopper (FRHC)

IS 440 :1964 Methods of chemical analysisof copper

IS 1387 : 1993General requirements for the supply of metallurgicalmaterials

IS 1599 : 1985Methods for bend test

IS 1608 : 1995Mechanical testing of metals - Tensile testing

IS 1817 : 1981Methods of sampling non-ferrous metals for chemicalanalysis

IS3288Glossary of terms for copper and copper alloys:

Part 1 :1986 Materials

Part 3 :1986 Wrought forms

IS 3635 : 1966Methods of test for resistance of metallic electricalresistance material