IS 6175 : Part 1 : 1992 Screwing Taps - Part 1 : Hand, and Short Machine Screwing Taps for ISO Metric Screw Threads Sizes M1 to M2.5 - Specification

UDC 621.993.1 : 621.882.082.1 PGD 32
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

This standard covers the dimensions and requirements for handscrewing taps and short machine screwing taps for ISO metric screwthreads in range M1 to M2.5 with coarse and fine pitches,conforming to IS 4218 (Parts 1 to 6) : 1978 and with full diametershank and taper connecting portion.

IS4218ISO metric screw threads:

Part 1 :1976 Basic and design profiles

Part 2 :1976 Diameter pitch combinations

Part 3 :1976 Basic dimensions for design profiles

Part 4 :1976 Tolerancing system

Part 5 :1976 Tolerances

Part 6 :1978 Limits of sizes for commercial bolts andnuts (diameterrange 1 to 52 mm)

2 References

IS 6171 :1991Screwing taps - Technical supply conditions

IS 6173 : Part 1 :1991 Screwing taps - Dimensions and tolerancesonthreaded portion of screwing taps:Part 1 For ISO metric screw threads