IS 6181 : 1971 Specification for Varnish Bonded Glass-Fibre Braided Rectangular Copper Conductors
UDC 621.315.334.7 : 677.52 | ETD 33 |
Reaffirmed 2018 |
1 Scope
1.1 General - This standard relates to varnish bonded glassfibre covered rectangular copper conductors, the glass coveringbeing a single braid of glass fibre, bonded with a suitable highlypolymerized thermo-setting varnish of temperature index at least130�C.
Note - The individual temperature ratings for the differenttypes of varnishes may be agreed upon between the manufacturer andthe user.
2 References
IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values
IS 1271 : 1958Classification of insulating materials for electricalmachinery and apparatus in relation to their thermalstability in service
IS 2069 : 1962Specification for drums for covered winding wires andstrips for electrical purposes
IS 5596 : 1970 Methodof test for determining deleterious substances infibrous insulating materials
IS 6160 : 1971Specification for rectangular conductors for electricalmachines