IS 6248 : 1979 Specification for Metal Rolling Shutters and Rolling Grills
UDC 69.028.154 + 69.028.13 | CED 11 |
Reaffirmed 2022 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard lays down the requirements regardingmaterials; fabrication and finish of metal rolling shutters androlling grills for normal use.
Note - Since the term `rolling shutters' is more commonly used,the reference in this standard is mainly to rolling shutters.However, since rolling shutters and rolling grills are similar indesign, construction and operation, all references to rollingshutters in this standard shall apply to rolling grills also. Aseparate clause dealing with the special features of rollinggrills, as different from rolling shutters, has also beenincorporated.
2 References
IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values
IS 210 :1970Specification for grey iron castings
IS 733 :1975Specification for wrought aluminium andaluminium alloy, bars, rods and sections (forgeneral engineering purposes)
IS 737 :1974Specification for wrought aluminium andaluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for generalengineering purposes)
IS 1161 :1968Specification for steel tubes for structuralpurposes
IS 2108 :1962Specification for blackheart malleable ironcastings
IS 4030 :1973Specification for cold-rolled carbon steel stripfor general engineering purposes
IS 4454 : Part I :1975 Specification for steel wires forcold-formedspringsPart I Patented and cold drawn steel wires -unalloyed
IS 5986 :1970 Specification for hot-rolled steelplates andflats for cold-forming and flanging operations