IS 6262 : 1971 Method of Test for Power Factor and Dielectric Constant of Electrical Insulating Liquids
UDC 621.315.615 : 621.317.372 | ETD 3 |
Reaffirmed 2021 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard prescribes method for determination of powerfactor and dielectric constant of new electrical insulating liquidsas well as liquids in service or subsequent to service in cables,transformers, oil circuit-breakers, and other electrical apparatus.
1.2 This method provides a procedure for making referee tests ata power frequency of approximately 50 Hz.
2 References
IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values
IS 4486 : 1967Recommended methods for the determination of thepermittivity and dielectric dissipation factor ofelectrical insulating materials at power, audio and radiofrequencies including metre wavelengths
IS 6855 : 1973 Methodof sampling for liquid dielectrics