IS 6379 : 1989 Single Ended Ring Wrenches (Spanners) - Specification

UDC 621.883.14 PGD 34
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

11 This standard covers the requirements for single ended ringwrenches (spanners), conforming to test torque Series A or Series Bas per IS 6131 : 1980 `Technical requirements for hand-operatedwrenches (spanners) and sockets.

2 References

IS 1570 : Part 2 :1979 Schedules for wrought steels:Part 2 Carbon steels (unalloyed steels)

IS 2027 :1980Widths across flats for spanners and sockets

IS 3749 :1978Tool and die steels for cold work

IS 6131 :1980Technical requirements for hand-operatedwrenches (spanners) and sockets