IS 6849 : Part 2 : 1993/ISO 1607-2 : 1989 Positive displacement vacuum pumps - Measurement of performance characterstics Part 2 Measurement of ultimate pressure

UDC 621.522 : 531.787 MED 17
Reaffirmed 2018

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (First Revision) which is identical withISO 1607-2 : 1989 `Positive displacement vacuum pumps - Measurementof performance characteristics - Part 2 : Measurement of ultimatepressure, issued by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO), was adopted by the Bureau of IndianStandards on the recommendation of the Chemical Engineering Plantsand Related Equipment Sectional Committee (HMD 17) and approval ofthe Heavy Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

This standard was first issued in 1973 as `Methods ofmeasurement of the performance characteristics ofpositive-displacement vacuum pumps: Part 2 Measurement of theultimate pressure. Consequent upon the publication of ISO 1607-2 :1989, this standard (including its title) has been revised byadopting ISO 1607-2 : 1989, to bring it in alignment withinternational practices.