IS 6920 : 1993/ISO 1532 : 1973 Fishing nets - Cutting knotted netting to shape ('Tapering')

UDC 677.076.732/.736 : 639.2.081.11 : 677.027.613.2 TXD 18
Reaffirmed 2019

National Foreword

This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 1532 : 1973 `Fishing nets -Cutting knotted netting to shape (`tapering')' issued by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO), was adopted by the Bureau of IndianStandards on the recommendation of the Textile Materials for Marine/FishingPurposes Sectional Committee (TX 18) and approval of the Textile DivisionCouncil.

In this standard certain terminology and conventions are not identical withthose used in Indian Standards; attention is particularly drawn to This:

Wherever the words `International Standard' appear, referring to thisstandard, they should be read as `Indian Standard'.

2 References

International Standard Indian Standard
ISO1107 IS 4402 : 1993 Fishingnets - Netting - Basicterms and definitions(Identical)