IS 7028 : Part 5 : 1987 Performance tests for complete, filled transport packages: Part 5 Rolling test

UDC 621.869.88 : 620.16 : 620.165.71 TED 24
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 5) specifies a method of making rollingtests on a complete, filled transport package. It may be performedeither as a single test to investigate the effects of rolling or aspart of a sequence of tests designed to measure the ability of apackage to withstand a distribution system that includes a rollinghazard.

Note - A toppling test may be more suitable for packages whichare tall in relation to their base dimensions, or the height ofwhich is small by comparison with base dimensions but which may bestored or transported resting on a side face. The toppling test isrecommended for packages where the ratio of the longest to theshortest sides is of the order of 3 : 1 or greater. A method ofcarrying out a toppling test on a complete, filled transportpackage is under preparation.

2 References

IS 7030 : 1973 Methodof identification of parts for complete, filledtransport packages

IS 7031 : 1987 Methodof conditioning of complete, tilled transportpackages