IS 7087 : 1979 Ceramic tower packings

UDC 66.074.513 : 666.3/.7 CHD 9
Reaffirmed 2017

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods ofsampling and test for ceramic tower packings suitable for use inabsorption towers, refining columns, scrubbers, etc, of chemicalplants.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values

IS 264 : 1976Specification for nitric acid

IS 265 : 1977Specification for hydrochloric acid

IS 266 : 1977Specification for sulphuric acid

IS 296 : 1974Specification for sodium carbonate, anhydrous

IS 1077 : 1977Specification for water for general laboratory use

IS 2781 : 1975Glossary of terms relating to ceramicware

IS 4161 : 1967Specification for Nessler cylinders

IS 4905 : 1968Methods for random sampling