IS 7098 : Part 1 : 1988 Crosslinked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables: Part 1 For working voltage upto and including 1 100 V

UDC 621.315.221.8 - 678.742.2 ETD 9
Reaffirmed 2015

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 1) covers the requirements for botharmoured and unarmoured single, twin, three, four and multi-corecrosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated and PVC sheathed cablesfor electric supply and control purposes.

1.2 The cables covered in this standard are, suitable for use onac single phase or three phase (earthed or unearthed) systems forrated voltages up to and including 1100 V. These cables may be usedon dc systems for rated voltages up to and including 1500 V toearth.

Note - The cables conforming to this standard may be operatedcontinuously at a power frequency voltage 10 percent higher thanrated voltage.

1.3 Armoured cables specified in this standard are suitable foruse in mines also. However, for such cables, additionalrequirements have been included, wherever necessary.

1.4 These cables are suitable for use where combination ofambient temperature and temperature rise due to load results inconductor temperature not exceeding 90�C undernormal operation and 250�C under short circuitcondition.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 1885 : Part 32 :1971 Electrotechnical vocabulary:Part 32 Cables, conductors and accessories forelectricity supply

IS 3975 :1979Specification for mild steel wires, strips andtapes for armouring of cables

IS 5831 :1984Specification for PVC insulation and sheath ofelectric cables

IS 8130 :1984Specification for conductors for insulatedelectric cables and flexible cords

IS 10462 : Part 1 :1983 Fictitious calculation method fordeterminationof dimensions of protective coverings of cables:Part 1 Elastomeric and thermoplastic