IS 713 : 1981 Zinc base alloy ingots for die casting

UDC 669.55 - 412 - 143 MTD 9
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the requirements for two grades of zincbase alloy ingots for die casting, namely, Zn Al 4 and Zn Al 4 Cu1.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values

IS 209 : 1979Specification for zinc

IS 1387 : 1967General requirements for the supply of metallurgicalmaterials

IS 1817 : 1961Methods of sampling non-ferrous metals for chemicalanalysis

IS 2599 : 1963Methods of spectrographic analysis of high purity zincand zinc base alloys for die casting

IS 2600 : 1964 Methods of chemical analysis of highpurity zinc and zincbase alloys for die casting

IS 8816 : 1979Methods for selection and preparation of samples forspectrographic analysis of zinc and zinc alloys