IS 714 : 1992 Textiles-Cotton Reinforcing Tapes for Aerospace Purposes - Specification

UDC 677.074.33 : 677.21 : 629.73 TXD 13
Reaffirmed 2013

1 Scope

1.1 This standard for cotton tapes prescribes the requirementsused for reinforcing aircraft fabrics and under-rib lacing cords.

2 References

IS 764 :1979 Method for determination ofcolour fastness of textilematerials to washing: Test 3

IS 1383 : 1977Methods for determination of scouring loss in grey andfinished cotton textile materials

IS 1390 : 1983Methods for determination of pH value of aqueousextracts of textile materials

IS 1954 : 1990Method for determination of length and width of fabrics

IS 1963 : 1981Methods for determination of threads per unit length inwoven fabrics

IS 1964 : 1970Methods for determination of weight per square metre andweight per linear metre of fabrics

IS 1969 : 1985Methods for determination of breaking load andelongation of woven textile fabrics

IS 2454 : 1985Methods for determination of colour fastness of textilematerials to artificial light (xenon lamp)

IS 11662 : 1986Preservative treatments of textiles