IS 739 : 1992 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy wire for general engineering purposes

UDC 669.71 - 426 - 131 MTD 7
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements for wrought aluminium andaluminium alloy wire for general engineering purposes.

2 References

IS 504 :1963 Methods of chemical analysis ofaluminium andits alloys

IS 1755 :1983Method for wrapping test for metallic wire

IS 2525 :1982Dimension of wrought aluminium and aluminiumalloy wire

IS 2658 :1964Method for tensile test for aluminium andaluminium alloy wire

IS 5047 : Part 1 :1986 Glossary of terms relating to aluminiumandaluminium alloys:Part 1 Unwrought and wrought metals

IS 5052 :1969Temper designations of aluminium and its alloys

IS 10259 :1982General condition for delivery and inspectionof aluminium and aluminium alloy products

IS 11035 :1984Methods for spectrographic analysis of wroughtaluminium alloys