IS 7415 : 1974 Code of safety for aniline

UDC 547.551.1 : 614.878 CHD 7
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard describes the properties of aniline, thenature of hazards associated with it and essential information onstorage, handling, packing, labelling, disposal of waste, cleaningand repair of containers, selection and training of personnel,personal protective equipment and first-aid.

1.1.1 This code does not deal with specification for design ofbuildings, chemical engineering plants, storage vessels, equipmentfor operations control and waste disposal.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Specification for aniline, technical

IS 1260 : Part I :1973 Pictorial markings for handling andlabellingof goods:Part I Dangerous goods

IS 2148 :1968Specification for flameproof enclosures forelectrical apparatus

IS 2552 :1970Specification for steel drums (galvanized andungalvanized)

IS 2833 :1964Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 4155 :1966Glossary of terms relating to chemical andradiation hazards and hazardous chemicals

IS 4167 :1966Glossary of terms relating to air pollution