IS 803 : 1976 Code of Practice for Design Fabrication and Erection of Vertical Mild Steel Cylindrical Welded Oil Storage Tanks

UDC 621.642.3 [669.141.24] : 665.5 CED 7
Reaffirmed 2017

1 Scope

1.1 This code covers materials, design, fabrication, erectionand testing requirements for mild, steel cylindrical welded oilstorage tanks in various sizes and capacities, for erection aboveground, of This designs:

a) Fixed roof tanks having no internal pressure or nominalinternal Pressure where the resultant upward force does not exceedthe nominal weight of metal in tank shell, roof and any framingsupported by the shell or roof; and

b) Open top tanks

1.1.1 This code specifies the use of only butt welded shells andincludes reference to appurtenances and mountings.

1.2 This code is complementary to IS 800 : 1962 and IS 816 :1969. Provisions regarding permissible stresses, design,fabrication and erection as included in IS 800 : 1962 shall applyunless specified otherwise in this code.

1.3 This code is intended to guide both purchasers andmanufacturers of petroleum products storage tanks. Provisions ofthis code may also be applied to design and construct tanks forstorage of water, acids and chemicals. In such cases, specialconsiderations regarding lining, corrosion allowance and foundationshall be made while designing the tanks for the intended service.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 226 :1975Specification for structural steel

IS 800 :1962Code of practice for use of structural steel ingeneral building construction

IS 808 :1964Specification for roiled steel beam, channeland angle sections

IS 808 : Part I : 1973 Dimensions forhot rolled steel beams:Part I MB series

IS 812 :1957Glossary of terms relating to welding andcutting of metals

IS 813 :1961Scheme of symbols for welding

IS 814 : Part I : 1974 Specification forcovered electrodes for metalarc welding of structural steels:Part I For welding products other than sheets

IS 814 : Part II : 1974 Specification forcovered electrodes for metalarc welding of structural steels:Part II For welding sheets

IS 816 :1969Code of practice for use of metal arc weldingfor general construction in mild steel

IS 817 :1966Code of practice for training and testing ofmetal arc welders

IS 823 :1964Code of procedure for manual metal arc weldingof mild steel

IS 875 :1964Code of practice for structural safety ofbuildings: Loading standards

IS 961 :1975 Specification for structuralsteel (hightensile)

IS 6392 :1971Specification for steel pipe flanges

IS 1030 :1974Specification for steel castings for generalengineering purposes

IS 1182 :1967Recommended practice for radiographicexamination of fusion welded butt joints in steel plates

IS 1239 : Part II :1969 Specification for mild steel tubes,tubularsand other wrought steel fittings:Part II Mild steel tubulars and other wroughtsteel pipe fittings

IS 1367 :1967Technical supply conditions for threadedfasteners

IS 1730 : Part I : 1975 Dimensions for steelplate, sheet and strip forstructural and general engineering purposes:Part I Plate

IS 1852 :1973Specification for rolling and cuttingtolerances for hot-rolled steel products

IS 1977 :1975Specification for structural steel (ordinaryquality)

IS 1978 :1971Specification for line pipe

IS 1979 :1971 Specification for high test line pipe

IS 2002 :1962Specification for steel for boilers

IS 2041 :1962Specification for steel plates for pressure vessels

IS 2062 :1969Specification for structural steel (fusionwelding quality)

IS 2595 :1963Code of practice for radiographic testing