IS 8154 : 1993 Preformed calcium silicate insulation (for temperature upto 650° C) SPECIFICATION

UDC 661.842.65 : 662.998 CHD 27
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

This standard prescribes requirements and methods of samplingand test for preformed calcium silicate insulation intended for useon surface which reach temperatures upto 650�C.

2 References

IS 3069 : 1992Glossary of terms, symbols and units relating to thermalinsulation materials

IS 3346 : 1980Methods for determination of thermal conductivity ofthermal insulation materials (two slab, guarded hot-platemethod)

IS 4905 : 1968Methods for random sampling

IS 5688 : 1982Methods of test for preformed block-type and pipe coveringtype thermal insulation

IS 5724 : 1970Methods of test for thermal insulation cements

IS 9490 : 1980 Methodfor determination of thermal conductivity ofthermal insulation materials (water calorimeter method)