IS 8276 : Part 1 : 1976 Methods for calibration of vacuum gauges:Part 1 Pressure reduction by continuous flow in the pressure range of 10-1 to 1-5 Pa

UDC 531.788.1.089.6 : 531.787 MED 17
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part I) specifies a method for thecalibration of vacuum gauges in the pressure range of 10-1 to 10-5 Pa whereby a known lowpressure is established by the passage of a known flow of gasthrough a circular orifice of known conductance.

1.1.1 The upper limit of pressure to which the method isapplicable is set by the diameter of the orifice in relation to themean free path of the gas molecules. The lower limit will depend onthe type of gauge being calibrated, and on the amount of sorptionor desorption of gas within the apparatus.

2 Reference

IS 2 : 1960   Rules forrounding off numerical values