IS 8406 : 1993 Specification for gear lubricants for enclosed industrial gear drives

UDC 621.892.093/.094 : 621.833 PCD 25
Reaffirmed 2016

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods ofsampling and test for the gear lubricants intended for use inenclosed and semi-enclosed industrial gear systems where toothpressures and pitch-line velocities are severe enough to render theuse of straight mineral oils unsuitable.

1.2 This standard does not cover ]ubricants for food and drugindustries and those required to be operated under extremely severeand hostile environment as indicated below:

a) Gear drives operating at speeds over 3600 rev/min and/orpitch-line velocities exceedin

b) Lubricants sump temperatures generally exceeding 100�C;

c) Applications where incidental contact may occur with theproduct under manufacture; and

d) Gear drives operating in chemical and dust laden atmospheres.

2 References

IS 1447 : 1966Methods of sampling of petroleum and its products;

IS 1448Methods of test for petroleum and its products