IS 8717 : 1978 Code of Practice for Packaging of Cast Iron Pipes and Fittings of 150 mm Diameter and Below
UDC 621.798 : 621.643 : [669.13] : 696.122 | TED 24 |
Reaffirmed 2019 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard lays down practice for packaging of cast ironpipes and fittings of 150 mm diameter and below mainly intended forexport.
2 References
IS 1230 :1968Specification for cast iron rainwater pipes andfittings
IS 1260 : Part II :1973 Pictorial markings for handling andlabellingof goods:Part II General goods
IS 1729 :1964Specification for sand cast iron spigot andsocket soil, waste and ventilating pipes,fittings and accessories
IS 3071 :1965Specification for wooden crates