IS 8753 : 2024 Code for Acceptance Tests on Stationary Steam Generators of the Power Station Type

ICS 27.010

MED 01


1.1 This standard establishes the procedure for conducting acceptance tests on direct-fired stationary steam-generating units of the power station type and presenting the test results in tabular form.

It provides for the determination of heat output and thermal efficiency. The heat output should be determined by direct measurements. The efficiency should be determined by one of the following methods:

a) Method A - Where possible, from the establishment of a complete heat balance, or

b) Method B - Where this in not possible, or where the expected accuracy of measurement of heat input or heat output in unacceptable, by the determination of all losses.

In either case, the thermal efficiency may be expressed in terms of either the net or the gross calorific value of the fuel.

1.2 The net thermal efficiency, based on the heat output reduced by the thermal equivalent of the power used by auxiliaries, is not employed in this standard. The power used by auxiliaries is to be separately recorded in its appropriate units in the test report.

Provision is also made for the determination of the performance of the draught plant and pulverizers, and also for the determination of steam purity, where such tests are required to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of a contract.

1.3 The question of contractual tolerances is outside the scope of this standard. The probable errors involved in performing a test may be determined by combining the individual errors likely to arise from the separate measurements by one of the established statistical procedures.

This standard applies to large direct-fired steam generators, primarily of the water tube type, which may be equipped with super-heaters, reheaters, economizers, air heaters, combustion and steam temperature control equipment.

1.4 The water circulation in the boilers may be by natural convection or by pump or by a combination of natural convection and pump. The steam generators may be fired by solid fuel, liquid fuel, gaseous fuel, or a combination of any of these fuels. A method for the determination of quantity and enthalpy of combustion air is given in Annex B to cover cases where quantity of air is not directly measured.


The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of these standards.

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IS 1350 Method of test for coal and coke
(Part 1) : 1984 Proximate analysis (second revision)
(Part 2) : 2022/ISO 1928 : 2020 Determination of gross calorific value (third revision)
IS 1448 Methods of test for petroleum and its products
(Part 6) : 1984 Heat of combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuels by bomb calorimeter method (first revision)
(Part 7) : 2004 Determination of calorific value by calculation (first revision)
(Part 16) : 2014/ISO 3675 : 1998 Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Laboratory determination of density - Hydrometer method (fourth revision)
(Part 25/Sec 1) : 2018/ISO 3104 : 1994 Transparent and opaque liquids, Section 1 Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity (second revision)
IS 1460 : 2017 Automotive diesel fuel - Specification (sixth revision)
IS 1593 : 2018 Fuel oils - Specification (third revision)
IS 3025 (Part 16) : 2023 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water and wastewater: Part 16 Filterable residue (total dissolved solids) at 180 °C (second revision)
IS 3624 : 1987 Specification for pressure and vacuum gauges (second revision)
IS 3810 Solid mineral fuels - Vocabulary:
(Part 1) : 2002 Terms relating to coal preparation (second revision)
(Part 2) : 2003 Terms relating to sampling, testing and analysis (first revision)
(Part 3) : 2023 Glossary of terms relating to solid mineral fuels: Part 3 Coke (first revision)
IS 4825 : 1982 Specification for liquid-in-glass solid-stem reference thermometers (first revision)