IS 8914 : 2022 Quality Tolerances for Water for Vitreous Enamel Industry

ICS 25.220.50

CHD 13

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This standard prescribes the quality tolerances for water suitable for vitreous enamel industry.


3025 (Part 11) : 1983 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 11 pH value (first revision)

3025 (Part 16) : 1984 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 16 Filterable residue (Total Dissolved Solids)(first revision)

3025 (Part 21) : 2009 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 21 Hardness (second revision)

3025 (Part 24/Sec 1) : 2022 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 24 Sulphates, Section 1 Gravimetric and Turbidity Methods (second revision)

3025 (Part 32) : 1988 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 32 Chloride (first revision)

3025 (Part 40) : 1991 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 40 Calcium (first revision)

3025 (Part 46) : 1994 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 46 Magnesium (first revision)

3025 (Part 51) : 2001 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 51 Carbonate and bicarbonate (first revision)

3025 (Part 53) : 2003 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 53 Iron (first revision)

3025 (Part 59): 2006 Methods of sampling and test (Physical and Chemical) for water and waste water: Part 59 Manganese (first revision)

7022 (Part 1) : 1973 Glossary of term relating to water, sewage and industrial effluents: Part 1

7022 (Part 2) : 1979 Glossary of term relating to water, sewage and industrial effluents: Part 2

17614 (Part 1) : 2021 Water Quality - Sampling: Part 1 Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques

17614 (Part 3) : 2021 Water Quality - Sampling: Part 3 Preservation and handling of water samples