IS 9155 : 1979 Specification for Leather for Gas Meter Diaphragms
UDC 675.06 : 681.122.36 | CHD 17 |
Reaffirmed 2014 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard prescribes requirements and methods ofsampling and test for different types of leather used for themanufacture of diaphragms required for gas meters for registeringthe volume of gas passed through them.
2 References
IS 2 :1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values
IS 582 : 1970Methods of chemical testing of leather
IS 1070 : 1977Specification for water for general laboratory use
IS 1640 : 1960Glossary of terms relating to hides, skins and leather
IS 5868 : 1969 Methods of sampling for leather
IS 5914 : 1970Methods of physical testing of leather