IS 9660 : 2001 Methods for Determination of Softening - Melting Characteristics of Iron Ore Lumps/Pellets/Sinter

ICS 73.060.10:77.040.10 MTD 13
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

1.1 The guidelines prescribe two methods for determination ofsoftening-melting characteristics of Iron Ore, Lumps, Sinter andPellet. Method I of the standard consists of two sections, Section1 deals with determination of softening characteristics underconditions of increasing temperature at different reducibility andunder a constant load. Section 2 deals with determination ofsoftening characteristics under conditions of progressive increaseof temperature and reduction under constant load.

1.2 The guidelines are at present applicable to heat hardenedpellets but its applicability to other types of pellets such ascold bonded pellets will be considered at the appropriate time.

2 References

IS 360 : 1964 Amyl alcohol

IS 6911 : 1992 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip

IS 8167 : 1989 Method for determination of reducibility index of ironore oxides, lump ore, sinter and pellets