IS 9968 : Part 1 : 1988 Elastomer insulated cables:Part 1 For working voltages upto and including 1 100 V

UDC 621.315.211 : 621.315.616.96 [678.074] ETD 9
Reaffirmed 2015

1 Scope

1.1 This standard specifies the requirements of elastomericinsulated cables for fixed wiring, flexible cables and flexiblecords for electric power and lighting for operation at voltages upto and including 1 100 volts.

1.2 The following types of cables and cords are covered in thisstandard.

1.2.1 Cables for Fixed Wiring

a) Braided and compounded/varnished,

b) Elastomer sheathed (normal duty), and

c) Elastomer sheathed (normal duty) with earth continuityconductor.

1.2.2 Flexible Cables

a) Braided and varnished, and

b) Elastomer sheathed (heavy duty).

1.2.3 Flexible Cords

a) Braided

b) Elastomer sheathed (normal duty),

c) Unkinkable flexible cords - braided and uncompounded(workshop type) and

d) Unkinkable flexible cords - braided and compounded

1.3 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for use onsingle-phase or three-phase (earthed or unearthed) system for ratedvoltages up to and including 1 100 volts. These cables may be usedon dc system for rated voltages up to and including 1 500 volts toearth.

1.4 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for usewhere the combination of ambient temperature and temperature risedue to load results in conductor temperature not exceeding thefollowing:

Type of Insulation Normal Continuous Operation Short-Circuit Condition
Insulation for general service 60�C 200�C
Heat resisting insulation 90�C 250�C
Silicone rubber insulation 150�C 350�C

Note - The short-circuit temperatures mentioned above are basedon intrinsic properties of the insulating materials. It isessential that the accessories which are used in the above systemwith mechanical and/or soldered connections are suitable for thetemperature.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 1885 : Part 32 :1971 Electrotechnical vocabulary:Part 32 Cables, conductors and accessories forelectricity supplies

IS 6380 :1984Specification for elastomeric insulation andsheath of electric cables

IS 8130 :1984Specification for conduct ors for insulatedelectric cables and flexible cords

IS 10418 :1982Specification for drums for electric cables

IS10810Methods of test for cables

IS 10810 : Part44 Methodsof test for cablesPart 44 Spark test