ISIHB MMAW : 1965 : ISI Handbook of Manual Metal-arc Welding for Welders

UDC 621.791.75 MTD 11
Reaffirmed 2019


Steel, which is a very important basic raw material for industrialization, had been receiving considerable attention from the Planning Commission even from the very early stages of the country’s First Five-Year Plan period. The Planning Commission not only envisaged an increase in production capacity in the country, but also considered the question of even greater importance, namely, the taking of urgent measures for the conservation of available resources. Its expert committees came to the conclusion that a good proportion of the steel consumed by the structural steel industry in India could be saved if higher efficiency procedures were adopted in the production and use of steel. The Planning Commission, therefore, recommended to the Government of India that the Indian Standards Institution should take up a Steel Economy Project and prepare a series of Indian Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice in the field of steel production and utilization.

One of the subjects under the Steel Economy Project is that pertaining to the popularization of welding. As a result of intensive study made during the last few years and deliberations at numerous sittings of technical committees, a number of Indian Standards have been published in the field of welding. A complete list of Indian Standards published on welding is included in Appendix C. In addition to the publication of codes of practice and design standards, it was felt necessary that welders should be systematically trained in this country and that a handbook giving theoretical and practical information in sim 4 le language should also be made available to them for their reference purposes. With this object in view, an Indian Standard Code of Practice for Training and Testing of Metal Arc Welders (IS : 817-l 957) and this handbook for welders have been prepared.

Other handbooks proposed to be published in the series in due course are expected to cover the following subjects:

a) Welding supervisors,

b) Gas welders, and

c) Welding engineers.