IS/IEC 60368 : Part 2 : sec 2 : 1996 Piezoelectric Filters - Part 2 Guide to the Use of Piezoelectric Filters Section 2 Piezoelectric Ceramic Filters

ICS 31.140.10; 31.160


[Superseding IS 7410 (Part 2) : 1974]

New Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Part 2/Sec 2) which is identical with IEC 60368-2-2 : 1996 ‘Piezoelectric filters - Part 2: Guide to the use of piezoelectric filters, Section 2 - Piezoelectric ceramic filters’ issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Magnetic Components, Ferrite Materials, Piezoelectric and Frequency Control Devices Sectional Committee, and approval of the Electronics and Information Technology Division Council.

IS 7410 (Part 2) was published in 1975 and was based on ‘IEC Pub 368B : 1975 Piezoelectric Filters’. This IEC Standard was later published as IEC 60368-2 2. The superseding of the above mentioned Indian Standard has been undertaken to align it with the latest version of IEC 60368-2-2 : 1996 and on publication of this draft standard, IS 7410 (Part 2) : 1975 will be withdrawn.