IS/ISO 10013 : 2021 Quality Management Systems - Guidance for Documented Information

ICS 03.120.10

MSD 02

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) which is identical with ISO 10013 : 2021 ‘Quality management - ‘Guidance for documented information’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Quality Management Sectional Committee and approval of the Management and Systems Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1995 and subsequently revised in 2001 which was identical with ISO 10013. The second revision of this standard has been undertaken to align it with the latest version of ISO 10013 : 2021.

The major changes in this revision are as follows:

a) it has been aligned with the new structure and requirements of ISO 9001 : 2015, notably the documentation requirements; and

b) the original hierarchy of documentation is no longer used but left open for the user.