IS/ISO 105 : Part B06 : 2020 Textiles - Tests for Colour Fastness Part B06 Colour Fastness and Ageing to Artificial Light at High Temperatures: Xenon Arc Fading Lamp Test

ICS 59.080.010

TXD 05

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Part B06) (First Revision) which is identical with ISO 105-B06 : 2020 ‘Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part B06: Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc fading lamp test’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Chemical Methods of Test Sectional Committee and approval of the Textiles Division Council.

Colour fastness of dyed/printed textile materials to various agencies during their further treatment or actual use is an important performance requirement from the viewpoint of the user or consumer. The various agencies to which textile materials may be subsequently subjected may include water, acids, alkalis, organic solvents, washing, laundering, dry-cleaning, perspiration, light, gaseous fumes, bleaching, rubbing, carbonizing, felting, etc, and the colour of textile materials should be fast to these agencies and should not change considerably. The colour should also not bleed and stain the adjacent fabric which is subjected to these agencies along with coloured fabric. The colour fastness property of coloured textiles is, therefore, measured in terms of colour fastness ratings with respect to change in colour and/or staining of adjacent fabric.