IS/ISO 20121 : 2024 Event Sustainability Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance to Use
ICS 03.100.70; 13.020.20 | SSD 13 |
This Indian Standard (First Revision) which is identical to ISO 20121 : 2024 'Event sustainability management systems - Requirements with guidance to use' issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Media and Entertainment Services Sectional Committee and approval of the Service Sector Division Council.
This standard was first published in 2022. This standard is being revised for adoption of ISO 20121 : 2024 version.
Events are sometimes, by their nature, high profile and transient, with both positive and negative social, economic and environmental impacts. This standard has been adopted to help organizations and individuals to improve the sustainability of their event-related activities. At the same time, it requires organizations to recognize their relationship with and their impact on society and society's expectations of events.
This standard provides requirements to organization related to event sustainability management systems to improve its process and thinking to lead to continual performance improvement and allows the organization the flexibility to be more creative about the delivery of event-related activities without detracting from the aim of the event. This standard is intended to be applied flexibly and allows organizations that have not formally addressed sustainable development to start to implement an event sustainability management system. Organizations with existing management systems can integrate the requirements of this document into their existing systems.
This standard has been designed to address the management of improved sustainability throughout the entire event management cycle. This standard would help event organizers reduce their environmental impact, enhance social responsibility, and manage economic risks throughout the event lifecycle.
The text of ISO standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard, they should be read as 'Indian Standard'
b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.