IS/ISO 3100 : PART 1 : 1991 : Meat and Meat Products - Method of Sampling

ICS 67.120.10 FAD 18
Reaffirmed 2020


This Indian Standard which is identical with IS0 3100-l : 1991 ‘Meat and meat products - Sampling and preparation of test samples - Part 1 : Sampling’ issued by the International Organisation for Stadardisation (ISO), was adopted by the Bureau of lndii Standards on the recommendation of the Slaughter House and Meat Industry Sectiial Committee and approved by the Food and Agriculture Division Council. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the word ‘ International Standard’ appear, referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’; and

b) Comma (J has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standard the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.