IS/ISO 3951 : Part 1 : 2022 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Variables Part 1 Specification for Single Sampling Plans Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-Lot Inspection fora Single Quality Characteristic and a Single AQL

ICS 03.120.30

MSD 03

Revised Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (First Revision) which is identical with ISO 3951-1 : 2022 ‘Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Variables - Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Statistical Methods for Quality and Reliability Sectional Committee and approval of the Management and Systems Division Council.

This standard (Part 1) is a part of IS/ISO 3951 series of standards under the general title ‘Sampling procedures for inspection by variables’.

This revision cancels and replaces the IS/ISO 3591-1 : 2013, which has been technically revised.