IS/ISO 8640 : Part 2 : 2004 Textile Machinery and Accessories - Flat Warp Knitting Machines - Part 2 Vocabulary of Warp Let-Off, Fabric Take-Up and Batching

ICS 01.040.59; 59.120.40 TXD 14

Reaffirmed 2023


This Indian Standard (Part 2) (First Revision) which is identical with ISO 8640-2 : 2004 ‘Textile machinery and accessories — Flat warp knitting machines — Part 2: Vocabulary of warp let-off, fabric take-up and batching’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Textiles Machinery and Accessories Sectional Committee and approval of the Textile Division Council.