IS/ISO/IEC 22624 : 2020 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Taxonomy Based Data Handling for Cloud Services
New Standard from Last Update.
This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO/IEC 22624 : 2020 'Information technology - Cloud computing - Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services' issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) jointly was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of Information Technology and Information Technology enabled Services Sectional Committee, and approval of the Service Sector Division Council.
The policies and practices for handling data in the cloud computing ecosystem are described based on the category of the data they address, for instance personally identifiable information (PII) impose the specific data management requirements in terms of security but also exercises the control on the usage and transfer of data. Organizational data such as cloud service usage information and telemetry data from cloud services, which can be used for operational purposes such as improvement of service quality, may have to fulfil specific quality requirements to be useful for a given application.