IS/ISO/IEC 23736 : Part 5 : 2020 Information Technology - Digital Publishing - EPUB 3.0.1 Part 5 Media Overlays

ICS 35.240.30


New Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard (Part 5) which is identical with ISO/IEC 23736-5 : 2020 ‘Information technology - Digital publishing - EPUB 3.0.1 - Part 5: Media overlays’ issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) jointly, was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of the Data Management System Sectional Committee, LITD 15, and approval of the Electronics and Information Technology Division Council.

This Indian Standard is published in six parts. The other parts in this series are:

Part 1 Overview

Part 2 Publications

Part 3 Content documents

Part 4 Open container format

Part 6 Canonical fragment identifiers