IS/ISO/IEC TR 23613 : 2020 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Cloud Service Metering Elements and Billing Modes

ICS 35.210

SSD 10

New Standard from Last Update.


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO/IEC TR 23613 : 2020 ‘Information technology - Cloud computing - Cloud service metering elements and billing modes’ issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on recommendation of the Information Technology and Information Technology enabled Services Sectional Committee, and approval of the Service Sector Division Council.

Cloud service providers (CSPs) offer many different cloud services that are in general classified as infrastructure, platform or application capabilities types. While designing solutions to meet the needs of cloud service customers (CSCs), CSPs put together diverse metering elements and billing modes that complement the cloud services offered to cloud service customers (CSCs). It is challenging for CSCs to determine the differences among many diverse metering elements and billing modes from various CSPs.