IS/ISO/IEC TS 23167 : 2020 Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Common Technologies and Techniques
New Standard from Last Update.
This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO/IEC TS 23167: 2020 ‘Information technology - Cloud computing - Common technologies and techniques’ issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) jointly was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of Information Technology and Information Technology enabled Services Sectional Committee, and approval of the Service Sector Division Council.
As the use of cloud computing has grown, a set of commonly used technologies has grown to support, simplify and extend the use of cloud computing alongside sets of commonly used techniques which enable the effective exploitation of the capabilities of cloud services. Many of these common technologies and techniques are aimed at developers and operations staff, increasingly linked together in a unified approach called DevOps. The aim is to speed and simplify the creation and operation of solutions based on the use of cloud services.