SP 1 : 1967 Comparison of Indian and Overseas Standards on Aluminium Alloy Castings

UDC 669.715-14 (083.4) MTD 7
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

1.1 This publication compares aluminium alloy castings asspecified in IS 617 : 1959 with those specified in the American,Australian, Austrian, Belgian, British, Canadian, Czechoslovakian,Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Netherlands,Polish, Russian, South African, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss,Yugoslavian and International standards. The comparison of sixteenalloys specified in IS 617 : 1959 has been covered, No equivalentalloys could, however, he found in the overseas standards for ISdesignation A15 and A17 of IS 617 : 1959.

2 References

IS 164 : 1960Composition of aluminium alloy castings

IS 202 : 1966Aluminium casting alloy ingots and castings for aircraftpurposes

IS 617 : 1959Aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings forgeneral engineering purposes