SP 37 : Part 3 : 1987 Handbook for Refractories - Part 3 : Refractories for Cement Kiln System

UDC 666.94.041 MTD 15
Reaffirmed 2017


Refractpries are the primary materials used in the construcation of all furnaces in the ferrous and non-ferrous industries. These are used in the lining of laddles, hot metal mixers, metal retaining vessles, and flues and stacks through which hot gasses pass. Refractories are also used for lining of boilers, pressure vessels, kilns and vessels using hot fluids at various temperatures. In short, refractories can be termed as the material of construction exposed to high temperatures and corroding atmospheres, and they retain their shapes and characteristics without reacting with the molten material or the corroding atmospheres.

Refractory materials are costly and a sudden failure of any refractory may result in great loss of time, product and equipment. Therefore the selection of refractories suitable for a particular application is of paramount importance. Cost-benefit-analysis is often the basis of selection of such refractories. A refractory best suited for an application may not necessarily have the longest life. In selecting the proper refractory, a balance is struck between the initial installed cost and in-service performance.